• Felonies and Misdemeanors

  • Traffic Violations

  • DUI


Felonies and Misdemeanors

When people are accused of a crime, they often face the possibility of going to jail. Experience is crucial for an attorney representing clients in criminal cases. Mr. Howard worked as an Assistant State’s Attorney for 7 years and knows how the system works from the inside. Moreover, he has more than 15 years’ experience practicing criminal law. Representing his clients, Mr. Howard does much more than simply question witnesses in court. He negotiates with prosecutors, often arranging for reduced charges and lesser sentencing; he formulates sentencing programs tailored to a client's specific needs, often helping defendants avoid future brushes with the criminal justice system; he provides defendants with a knowledgeable, objective perspective on their situation and what is likely to happen should their cases go to trial. This perspective is vital for defendants when they must decide whether to accept a prosecutor's offered "plea bargain." Mr. Howard is also familiar with local court customs and procedures which may result in a favorable resolution of the case.

Mr. Howard will devote special time to your case. He will gather information from prosecution witnesses. He will hire and manage investigators, who may be able to impeach or contradict the prosecution’s side of the story.

Being charged with a crime can be a frightening experience. It is critical to have a competent attorney protect your rights -- immediately. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO TALK TO THE POLICE!   We contact the police for you, since nothing we say can be used against you.  Remember, the police are very good at getting suspects to talk.  Whether you are guilty or innocent, you need an attorney even to intercede on your behalf. Your freedom and your future are at stake.  

We follow a criminal case all the way, from pre-charging investigations to expungement. If you or a loved one has been charged or is being investigated for a crime, please contact us immediately!